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Bush Primary School & Nursery Unit, Dungannon

News - Primary 1

2019/2020 School Year

5th Jun 2020
Evie, Isabella, Sam, Denis, Charlie and Tommy have been very busy doing their school...
29th May 2020
Primary 1 have been busy bees this week at home. They have been working very hard...
27th May 2020
Louise and Grace decided to put on their school uniform this morning to say a big...
22nd May 2020
All of the boys and girls in Primary 1 have been very busy at their home learning...
19th May 2020
Thank you for your science experiment video, Franklin. It is super. Thank you...
16th May 2020
Anna, I am very proud of you. Super spelling and lovely handwriting. I think...
14th May 2020
The children in Primary 1 have been working very hard and enjoying our new theme,...
8th May 2020
Tommy, Luke, Franklin, Anna, Sam, Denis and Isabella have been very busy doing beautiful...
1st May 2020
Well done to Franklin, Sam, Charlie and Anna who have been working very hard at...
28th Apr 2020
Sam in P.1. decided to design his own hoodie for lockdown. Once he created his beautiful...