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Bush Primary School & Nursery Unit, Dungannon

News - Nursery

2018/2019 School Year

6th May 2019
We enjoyed making our own fruit kebabs for snack. We carefully placed each piece...
6th May 2019
We enjoyed a wide range of sporting activities at the fun day. Thank you to DBS...
1st May 2019
We spent time in the Nursery garden today weeding and planting.  Activities...
16th Apr 2019
We had a fantastic response to our monthly home learning challenge to make an Easter...
16th Apr 2019
We had great fun at the Easter Hunt.
15th Apr 2019
We boiled some eggs, decorated them and had fun rolling them down a hill. ...
15th Apr 2019
We enjoyed a visit from Bernard the Bear.  He talked to us about the importance...
12th Apr 2019
We had lots of fun with Jo-Jingles.
12th Apr 2019
Happy 4th Birthday to Nikola, Charlotte, Lukas, Franklin and Caleb.  We hope...
12th Apr 2019
Today we said a big thank-you and goodbye to Miss Crozier, a student from Stranmillis...