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Bush Primary School & Nursery Unit, Dungannon

News - Nursery

2018/2019 School Year

13th Mar 2019
Staff Nurse Sharon visited us at Nursery today.  We brought our sick teddies...
8th Mar 2019
Today the children started brushing their teeth as part of their snack routine....
7th Mar 2019
The Nursery travelled to Sperrinview Special School to meet up with their friends...
6th Mar 2019
The children in Nursery enjoyed a visit from the Police Service.  They talked...
6th Mar 2019
To celebrate World Book Day the P7s read the children in Nursery their favourite...
5th Mar 2019
We made pancakes for snack.  We worked in groups to weigh out the flour, pour...
1st Mar 2019
The grandstand was filled to capacity today to watch the Nursery children compete...