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Bush Primary School & Nursery Unit, Dungannon

News - Primary 3

2023/2024 School Year

1st Mar 2024
7 today! Happy birthday Jack 🎉
1st Mar 2024
Our Stars of the Week are Maisie and Isaac for excellent recall of times two table...
24th Feb 2024
I  Thank you to Mark who came to take our assembly this week. He reminded...
14th Feb 2024
We have really enjoyed our unit of work based on the brilliant book, ‘The Lighthouse...
13th Feb 2024
We had lots of fun making and eating pancakes. The toppings were definitely the best...
9th Feb 2024
Well done Mya for telling us all about your lovely things.
9th Feb 2024
This week our Star of the Week is Harper-Lee for excellent progress in Literacy....
2nd Feb 2024
Thank you Jack, Amanda and Gabriele for showing us all your lovely things.  Well...
31st Jan 2024
Well done to Michael and Maisie who both won medals at a Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu competition!🏅
26th Jan 2024
Our Star of the Week is Noah for excellent mental addition and subtraction.  Well...