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Bush Primary School & Nursery Unit, Dungannon

News - Primary 3

2023/2024 School Year

27th Oct 2023
So many children came to our Harvest Hoe-down in brilliant costumes! The winning...
27th Oct 2023
Some P3 children brought their carved pumpkins into school. They were all fabulous!...
20th Oct 2023
Mya spoke really well in her Show and Tell and showed us her lovely things 👏🏻
20th Oct 2023
Joshua is our Star of the week for being a good friend.  Well done!
18th Oct 2023
P.3. had fun making a scarecrow at school.  We think he looks great!  Can...
13th Oct 2023
This week Gabriele and Jack had lots of interesting things to tell us about including...
13th Oct 2023
Another Friday afternoon and another eager group of P3 children working hard! 
13th Oct 2023
This week our Star of the Week is Jacob for being kind. Well done ⭐️.
6th Oct 2023
Another group of happy P3 helpers, keen to keep our school clean! Thank you 😊 
6th Oct 2023
Thank you to our excellent speakers this week, Sofia and Jacob, who showed us a wonderful...