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Bush Primary School & Nursery Unit, Dungannon

News - Primary 3

2022/2023 School Year

8th Mar 2023
Huge congratulations to Hayden, Oscar and Orestas for learning their poems and performing...
3rd Mar 2023
Our star of the week is Lila for excellence performance and behaviour at this week’s...
28th Feb 2023
Well done to all our boys and girls in P2 and P3 for singing so beautifully at the...
27th Feb 2023
Well done to the senior choir for coming first in the Dungannon Festival. We are...
23rd Feb 2023
Well done and thank you to P7 for all the lovely buns.
3rd Feb 2023
P3 Star of the week is Ruben for excellent doubling and halving in numeracy this...
23rd Jan 2023
P3 enjoy hot chocolate after all the cold weather this week.