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Bush Primary School & Nursery Unit, Dungannon

News - Primary 3

2021/2022 School Year

29th Apr 2022
P.3 enjoyed taking part in, ‘Happy Healthy Kids’, today. It was lots...
7th Apr 2022
During our Easter assembly, Kerry announced the winners of the Easter egg drawing...
7th Apr 2022
Wishing Aleeyah a very happy 7th birthday!
6th Apr 2022
Caleb who is 7 years old today. πŸŽ‚πŸŽπŸŽˆ
1st Apr 2022
Wishing Franklin a very happy 7th birthday!
1st Apr 2022
Brody is our, ‘Star of the Week’, for excellent progress in Reading! 
23rd Mar 2022
Today we had our last assembly with Emma Reid. She has been coming to our school...
23rd Mar 2022
P.3 have been reading Explanations to find out what happens when different foods...
21st Mar 2022
P.3 enjoyed planting their seed potatoes today. We hope we win the school ‘potato...
11th Mar 2022
Tommy, who is 7 today, we hope you have a lovely day πŸŽ‚