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Bush Primary School & Nursery Unit, Dungannon

News - Primary 3

2021/2022 School Year

10th Feb 2022
Mrs. Talbot’s daddy built this ship and painted it. He let Mrs. Talbot bring...
4th Feb 2022
Well done Chloe for following instructions 👏🏻
28th Jan 2022
Star of the week goes to Scarlett for story writing, well done! 👏🏻
24th Jan 2022
Happy birthday to Isabella who is 7 today.
21st Jan 2022
Star of the week goes to Jessica for excellent progress.
14th Jan 2022
Happy birthday to Dominick who is 7 tomorrow.
11th Jan 2022
Our ‘World Around Us’ Topic this term is ‘Houses and Homes’....
7th Jan 2022
Happy birthday to Brody, we all hope you have a great birthday. 
7th Jan 2022
P.3 had a fun time out in the snow today. They made snowballs and snowmen.
21st Dec 2021
P.3 had a fantastic time today playing games and eating party food. We also had...