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Bush Primary School & Nursery Unit, Dungannon

News - Primary 3

2020/2021 School Year

3rd Dec 2020
Primary 3 enjoyed decorating our classroom, by making lovely Christmas trees and...
3rd Dec 2020
Primary 3 had lots of fun taking part in the 'Elf Swap' on Wednesday in school.
1st Dec 2020
P3's topic this half term is 'At The Bakery'. We decided to have a P3 art competition,...
1st Dec 2020
Congratulations to our star of the week. You are a super star!
11th Nov 2020
Primary 3 enjoyed reading the story about 'The Little Red Hen'. They pretended to...
10th Nov 2020
Congratulations Georgia on achieving 'Star of the week' for helping the teacher...
3rd Nov 2020
Primary 3 have been talking about fireworks and have created their own firework...
3rd Nov 2020
We love learning new songs and actions every Tuesday morning.
3rd Nov 2020
Congratulations Abigail on achieving 'Star of the Week' in primary 3. You are...