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Bush Primary School & Nursery Unit, Dungannon

News - Primary 3

2020/2021 School Year

16th Mar 2021
Happy Birthday to all the boys and girls in primary 3 who celebrated a birthday...
9th Mar 2021
We are very excited to have primary 3 back in class. They all received a little...
4th Mar 2021
We all had great fun on seesaw this week guessing who was behind each book. 📚
2nd Feb 2021
P3 have been learning all about different types of houses and homes. Last week...
7th Jan 2021
Here is a video to show you how to complete and upload work on Seesaw using 3 different...
16th Dec 2020
Congratulations to our 'Star Of The Week'. You're a super star Joie!
8th Dec 2020
Primary 3 enjoyed taking part in the 'Christmas Elf Kick'. They loved going...
8th Dec 2020
Congratulations to our super star who achieved 'Star of the week'. Well done...