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Bush Primary School & Nursery Unit, Dungannon

News - Primary 3

2020/2021 School Year

14th Oct 2020
Primary 3 worked really had today writing Autumn Poems.
13th Oct 2020
Some of the boys and girls in primary 3 enjoyed building lots of creations during...
13th Oct 2020
Well done to our 'Star of the Week' Kayden. Your are a super star in primary 3!
7th Oct 2020
Today the boys and girls in primary 3 enjoyed reading the story on 'The Ginger...
6th Oct 2020
Primary 3 children have been working really hard today in class learning the...
6th Oct 2020
Well done Gabriel on receiving Star of the Week. You are a 'Super Star'!
1st Oct 2020
Well done Mya. Mya won Star of the Week for trying her best at all times. She...
29th Sep 2020
Congratulations Ruby on achieving star of the week in primary 3.