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Bush Primary School & Nursery Unit, Dungannon

News - Primary 3

2017/2018 School Year

12th Jun 2018
On Tuesday 12th June, P3 put their running shoes on for Sports Day 2018. Well done...
22nd May 2018
On Tuesday 22nd May, P3 travelled with Windmill Integrated Primary School to Oxford...
9th May 2018
P3 were excellent Minibeast hunters! It's amazing to see all of the little creatures...
9th May 2018
Windmill visited Bush PS today. We worked hard in the garden.
9th May 2018
We had a visit from the Health and Safety Executive on Wednesday 2nd May. We learnt...
14th Mar 2018
On Thursday 8th March, P3 went to Oxford Island with windmill IPS on our Shared...
14th Mar 2018
P3 are having fun at 'Bush Street' during ABL. We made our very own 3D houses and...
8th Feb 2018
On Wednesday 31st January P3 visited Armagh County Museum to find out more about...