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Bush Primary School & Nursery Unit, Dungannon

News - Primary 3

2020/2021 School Year

1st Sep 2020
Today was our first full day back at school. We had lots of fun and worked hard...
24th Aug 2020
Mrs Talbot was so happy to see her Primary 3 children back to school today. We...
19th Aug 2020
Hello P3, I am very excited to see you all soon. School is going to be a little...

2019/2020 School Year

30th Jun 2020
Information regarding our restart plan. Nursery Induction packs will be posted today...
25th Jun 2020
Reminder - reports and books can be collected today Thursday 25th, 9.30 -10.30...
15th Jun 2020
Please return the following items to school before the end of June. You may return...