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Bush Primary School & Nursery Unit, Dungannon

News - Primary 3

2021/2022 School Year

5th Nov 2021
Star of the week goes to Sofia for having neat work. Well done Sofia😊
4th Nov 2021
Our World Around Us topic this half-term is BREAD.  Primary 3 will be learning...
22nd Oct 2021
Dominick wins a lovely pumpkin for being organised. πŸŽƒ
22nd Oct 2021
P.3 enjoyed Ditch the Dark Day and are really looking forward to their half term...
22nd Oct 2021
Happy birthday everyone.
19th Oct 2021
Well done to Isabella & Brayden on winning pumpkins for creating colourful autumn...
15th Oct 2021
Luke who always tries his best! Well done Luke. 
15th Oct 2021
Happy birthday to Louise & Jessica who have birthdays this weekend. We hope...
12th Oct 2021
Primary 3 enjoyed an Autumn Hunt and making Smores!
8th Oct 2021
Ellie-May is our star of the week for being kind. Well done Ellie-May 😊