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Bush Primary School & Nursery Unit, Dungannon

News - Primary 3

2020/2021 School Year

27th Apr 2021
Anne-Marie, from Sustrans, visited our school today. P3 enjoyed learning about the...
27th Apr 2021
Congratulations to our super star in primary 3!
27th Apr 2021
Happy Birthday Ruby!
16th Apr 2021
Please try your best to walk, cycle or scoot to school any days you can for the...
30th Mar 2021
Congratulations to our super star today in Primary 3!
24th Mar 2021
We all loved doing our P.E outside in the sun today.
23rd Mar 2021
Congratulations to our stars of the week for showing kindness and being good...
16th Mar 2021
We hope all our P.3 mums have had a great Mother's Day!
16th Mar 2021
Congratulations to Pippa and Ruby M on achieving star of the week for super...