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Bush Primary School & Nursery Unit, Dungannon

News - Primary 4

2018/2019 School Year

7th Oct 2018
Congratulations to Sarah from P4 who represented Bush PS on Saturday 6th October...
1st Oct 2018
We have been busy making weather pictures using different types of paper. They are...
25th Sep 2018
We were practicing how to throw and catch a ball. 
25th Sep 2018
Judith is a coach from the Irish Football Association. She comes every Friday to...
13th Sep 2018
 P.4. love to play!

2017/2018 School Year

20th Apr 2018
27th Mar 2018
Sam brought snowdrops into school and he planted them in our garden!
27th Mar 2018
Our student teacher has finished her seven week placement in P4. we have really...