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Bush Primary School & Nursery Unit, Dungannon

News - Primary 6

2019/2020 School Year

16th Jan 2020
P.6 are thoroughly enjoying P.E sessions once a week with Judith from the IFA (DENI...
20th Dec 2019
Every pupil in P.6 reached their AR target for this half term. As a treat for our super...
2nd Dec 2019
After 10 weeks of swimming lessons at Cookstown Leisure Centre P.6 pupils were delighted...
21st Nov 2019
We are delighted to announce that there are 4 new Eco committee member from P.6....
21st Nov 2019
Jessica Monteiro, a P.6 pupil, has become an A.R. word millionaire. We were all...
8th Nov 2019
A really fun, informative and passionate debate about deforestation took place...
25th Oct 2019
P.6 had great fun dressing bright and making these creepy mud pots to eat.
17th Sep 2019
A great start to P.E in P.6 with team games, hockey coaching and swimming lessons....