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Bush Primary School & Nursery Unit, Dungannon

News - Primary 6

2016/2017 School Year

19th Dec 2016
We had a great Christmas party. Lots of dancing and eating.........sure who could...
19th Dec 2016
W£e tried to be as creative as we could to produce a 'Robin' Christmas card...
13th Dec 2016
P.5., P.6. and P.7. children thoroughly enjoyed the Nursery Performance entitled...
1st Dec 2016
P.6 children have been attending swimming lessons for the last ten weeks in Cookstown...
21st Nov 2016
We visited Benburb Castle on Thursday 17th November as part of our Shared Education...
10th Nov 2016
As further work on studying 'Trees' Mrs Thompson taught us how to measure the height...
7th Nov 2016
We made 'dirt cups' as an end of term treat. They were made from angel delight,...
7th Nov 2016
At the end of term we had a Mad Hair Day. There were lots of weird and wonderful...
20th Oct 2016
The NSPCC talked to the P.6. children explaining how to keep safe.
20th Oct 2016
Miss Somerville brought P.6.'s out to measure the circumference of the trunks and...