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Bush Primary School & Nursery Unit, Dungannon

News - Nursery

2017/2018 School Year

14th May 2018
The boys and girls from Bush Nursery and Windmill Nursery had a fantastic time at...
8th May 2018
The boys and girls at Nursery had a special visit today from some firefighters and...
4th May 2018
Rebeka Vaicekauskaite (a child at our Nursery) mummy is participating in a charity...
2nd May 2018
Today at Nursery Lukas and Rebeka brought in bubbles for us all to enjoy outside....
27th Apr 2018
We had a great day today at Ruby M's Nursery Birthday Party. We played 'Musical...
25th Apr 2018
Today we all came to Nursery wearing something green. We were thinking all about...
19th Apr 2018
At Nursery today Lucy read us a story all about moving house. Lucy and her mummy...
19th Apr 2018
We had a special visit from Zoolab today at Nursery. We were learning all about...
18th Apr 2018
As it is National Pet Month, a veterinary nurse paid us a visit from Parklands....
17th Apr 2018
We had great fun with Jo at Nursery. We explored many Spring songs and learnt all...