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Bush Primary School & Nursery Unit, Dungannon

News - Nursery

2017/2018 School Year

21st Mar 2018
Today at Nursery we created Easter chicks. We used real straw from a chicken house...
16th Mar 2018
We had a lovely morning at Nursery as our mummies, daddies, nannies, granddads,...
15th Mar 2018
Staff Nurse Clare (Georgia's mummy) visited us today at Nursery to tell us all about...
13th Mar 2018
We had a special visitor today at Nursery, Bernard the Bear. Bernard the Bear talked...
12th Mar 2018
I hope all you mummy's loved your presents that the boys and girls at Nursery made...
9th Mar 2018
The boys and girls at Nursery looked so well today in their costumes for World Book...
9th Mar 2018
The boys and girls had a great day today as they visited Coalisland Library. They...
6th Mar 2018
Anna's daddy (a personal trainer) took us for our P.E session today at Nursery....
26th Feb 2018
Thank you to Georgia, Lucy, Pippa and Jake for sharing with us their weekend news....
26th Feb 2018
As part of our theme 'People who Help Us', the police came to visit us today at...