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Bush Primary School & Nursery Unit, Dungannon

News - Nursery

2017/2018 School Year

2nd Jan 2018
The boys and girls had lots of fun at their Christmas Party and Movie Day. They...
2nd Jan 2018
The boys and girls had a great day with their friends from Windmill Integrated Nursery...
15th Dec 2017
Well done to all the boys and girls for putting on an amazing show today. You were...
13th Dec 2017
When we came into Nursery today. We found another letter from our Nursery Elf, Elfie....
13th Dec 2017
The boys and girls were so excited as we went to the 'Big School' to watch their...
10th Dec 2017
The boys and girls were so excited as they arrived at Nursery on Friday. There was...
6th Dec 2017
We had lots of fun on Friday as we all worked together to decorate our Christmas...
30th Nov 2017
We've had a great week playing with our mummies and daddies at our 'Nursery Stay...
29th Nov 2017
Today was a very exciting day at Nursery. Ruby Millar's daddy came to visit us with...
28th Nov 2017
We had a great day on Friday at Kayden and Abigail's nursery birthday party. We...