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Bush Primary School & Nursery Unit, Dungannon

News - Primary 2

2020/2021 School Year

9th Jun 2021
We have been working really hard on practical tens and units.
8th Jun 2021
Well done Brayden. Star of the week , you have been working really hard on your...
8th Jun 2021
Thank you Dominik for telling us all about your robot dog, it was great to see all...
4th Jun 2021
Charlie did a great show and tell today and read to us from his Harry Potter book....
3rd Jun 2021
Congratulations to Alex, great number work and Brody who was super at doing his...
3rd Jun 2021
Well done to Brody who told us about his pea-popper, Chloe made a lovely castle...
3rd Jun 2021
Happy birthday to Chloe who will be celebrating her birthday on Friday the 4th. 
1st Jun 2021
We had great fun on our sports day.
26th May 2021
Thank you to Oliver, who told us all about his football sticker book. Evie told...
25th May 2021
Thanks to Caleb, who told us all about an interesting animal called an Okapi. Harry,...