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Bush Primary School & Nursery Unit, Dungannon

News - Primary 2

2020/2021 School Year

26th Apr 2021
We welcome Miss Crozier to P.2 this term and look forward to all the great lessons...
23rd Apr 2021
Thank you to Luke, Isabella and Rayna and Darcey, they have been telling us about...
23rd Apr 2021
We hope you enjoy looking at our photographs. We have been busy planting potatoes...
20th Apr 2021
Congratulations to Sofia and Sophie you are the stars of the week. You are...
16th Apr 2021
Please try your best to walk, cycle or scoot to school any days you can for the...
30th Mar 2021
Wishing a very happy birthday to Caleb, Franklin and Aleeyah, we hope you have lots...
30th Mar 2021
Congratulations to Sam and Darcey they are P.2  stars of the week....
23rd Mar 2021
Well done to Franklin you are great at your number work and well done Ellie-May...
23rd Mar 2021
We thought you might like to see what we have been up to.
16th Mar 2021
Congratulations to Chloe and Luke, you are our stars of the week. excellent neat...