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Bush Primary School & Nursery Unit, Dungannon

News - Primary 2

2019/2020 School Year

19th May 2020
Abigail and Ruby working from home
7th May 2020
Thanks for the lovely photos of Jake and Pippa, good to see they are keeping busy.
30th Apr 2020
Well done Frieden, Gabriel and Abigail
20th Apr 2020
William has been busy building a bird house with a little help from his Dad. This...
6th Mar 2020
Our new topic is toys, we have been looking at the difference between old and new...
24th Feb 2020
School will be closed today, Monday 24th  February, due to heavy snow and dangerous...
4th Feb 2020
Thanks to Frieden's daddy who bought us a special bird feeder and seeds to attract...
27th Jan 2020
On Friday 24th January P.2 took part in the RSPB bird watch. We carefully counted...
13th Jan 2020
We have been learning all about our garden birds in winter, using fat, seeds and...