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Bush Primary School & Nursery Unit, Dungannon

News - Primary 2

2018/2019 School Year

11th Oct 2018
Our class dog is called Captain Underpants, he has lots of fun on his weekends home...
11th Oct 2018
P.2 painted themselves, then used their bodies to sort and do data handling.
11th Oct 2018
P.2. on a follow my leader walk as part of our mental health activities.
13th Sep 2018
There is so much to play with in our play garden.
13th Sep 2018
We have settled in to primary 2, our topic is " Look at me, what do you see?"

2017/2018 School Year

26th Apr 2018
We have been working hard in the garden, digging, planting and watering. P.2 are...
15th Mar 2018
We had a visit to Armagh Museum where Sarah told us all about old toys. What...
22nd Jan 2018
P.2 had lots of fun making cake for the birds, we used melted fat, bread and seeds....
22nd Jan 2018
Our topic is birds in Winter, we made fat balls with lots of seeds to feed the birds,...