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Bush Primary School & Nursery Unit, Dungannon

News - Primary 2

2019/2020 School Year

20th Dec 2019
Here are just a few photos from our busy last week in school before the Christmas...
11th Dec 2019
P.2 had a lot of fun getting dressed up for our Christmas play, we hope you enjoyed...
2nd Dec 2019
P.1 and P.2 having fun decorating the Christmas tree in the school garden.
24th Oct 2019
P.1 and P.2 joined together for assembly this morning to hear about the amazing...
16th Oct 2019
We made cookies in the shape of our bodies and decorated them with icing and sweets....
9th Oct 2019
We have been painting our bodies. We sorted our bodies in data handling, making...
20th Sep 2019
P.2. enjoyed their outside play in the September sunshine.
6th Sep 2019
We have had a busy first week. We thought we would share it with you.

2018/2019 School Year

10th Jun 2019
All of the children in Primary 1 and Primary 2 had a great morning participating...