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Bush Primary School & Nursery Unit, Dungannon

News - Primary 2

2020/2021 School Year

7th Jan 2021
Here is a video to show you how to complete and upload work on Seesaw using 3 different...
7th Jan 2021
 Birthday Wishes to our January children. Dominik, Brody and Isabella. We hope...
18th Dec 2020
P.2 are looking very festive for the Save The Children Christmas Jumper Day.
15th Dec 2020
Aleeyah is our star of the week. Congratulations Aleeyah, your Christmas craft work was...
8th Dec 2020
We have ben writing stories about Plop the owl. Congratulations to Isabella! our...
3rd Dec 2020
P.2. Have been taking part in the British Heart Foundation Elf Kick. It is a 12...
1st Dec 2020
Happy birthday to Geovanna.
1st Dec 2020
Congratulations to Anna, you are our star of the week! This weeks target was very...
27th Nov 2020
P.2 were decorating the P.1/P.2 Christmas tree with lights and silver baubles. We...