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Bush Primary School & Nursery Unit, Dungannon

News - Primary 1

2019/2020 School Year

26th Sep 2019
This morning, Primary 1 had a talk on how to stay safe when outside walking and...
20th Sep 2019
We had a great morning playing outside in the sunshine. Some of the boys and girls...
20th Sep 2019
This week, we have been very busy working hard in class and outside. Some children...
18th Sep 2019
Some of the children in P.1. had beautiful homework last night. Mrs Moore thought...
18th Sep 2019
P.1. girls had a great morning playing football. Lots of great skills.
17th Sep 2019
All of the children in Primary 1 enjoyed using the musical instruments. We had great...
17th Sep 2019
Last week, these children worked very hard to achieve their target. All of the other...
12th Sep 2019
Today in Primary 1, we sorted cupcakes into sets during number time. We were able...
10th Sep 2019
Yesterday, we went for a walk in Mrs Thompson's garden to look at the pumpkins....