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Bush Primary School & Nursery Unit, Dungannon

News - Primary 1

2018/2019 School Year

14th Feb 2019
We have lots of fun at playtime both indoors and outdoors. We love to play with...
14th Feb 2019
We worked hard during our Caring theme to share and include everyone at playtime.
31st Jan 2019
We sorted two sets, a set of heavy parcels and a set of light parcels.
16th Jan 2019
Lots of play in P.1.
11th Jan 2019
We are trying to be very fit. We ate too much at Christmas and Judith is trying...
11th Jan 2019
In P.1 we are now blending our sounds together to make words. Some of the words...
9th Jan 2019
We have been very busy solving problems in P.1. We can make number sentences.
9th Jan 2019
We reached our target as we produced some great homeworks. It has been a good start...