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Bush Primary School & Nursery Unit, Dungannon

News - Primary 1

2018/2019 School Year

7th Dec 2018
We had great fun playing football with Judith in P.E. this morning.
3rd Dec 2018
This morning in P.1, we had a special delivery. A special parcel had arrived...
3rd Dec 2018
We went outside to put on the lights on our Christmas tree. Everyone in P.1. had...
27th Nov 2018
We have been very busy in Primary 1 measuring the children to see who is the tallest...
26th Nov 2018
We had a busy morning planting crocus bulbs. We put them in the greenhouse.
22nd Nov 2018
Every morning, we solve problems in P.1.
16th Nov 2018
We had a super morning with Judith. Lots of balancing when we dressed the scarecrows.
9th Nov 2018
Today we did lots of balancing with Judith in P.E. It was great fun.
26th Oct 2018
During September and October, the children in Primary 1 have been bringing in some...
26th Oct 2018
Each morning in Primary 1, the children take part in play based learning. During...