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Bush Primary School & Nursery Unit, Dungannon

News - Primary 1

2018/2019 School Year

10th Oct 2018
This is mental health week. Today we went outside to be very active. We played games...
5th Oct 2018
A lot of the children have worked very hard in Primary 1 during work time in class...
25th Sep 2018
Primary 1 went outside today with chalk to draw lovely patterns. This was a...
25th Sep 2018
Last night, the children in Primary 1 produced some excellent homeworks which Mrs...
21st Sep 2018
Some children have worked very hard in Primary 1 during work time in class and at...
21st Sep 2018
Today, we had our first P.E. lesson with Judith who is an IFA coach. We were learning...
19th Sep 2018
The children in Primary 1 have started getting homework this week. Last night, the...
19th Sep 2018
We had great fun in Primary 1, sorting out all of the different cupcakes in accordance...
14th Sep 2018
Today in Primary 1, we all experienced our first P.E. lesson. It was very exciting....
13th Sep 2018
Some of our children were shining stars today. They worked really hard during work...