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Bush Primary School & Nursery Unit, Dungannon

News - Primary 1

2018/2019 School Year

9th Jan 2019
We had great fun building houses and factories. We gave the dolls a bath in lovely...
20th Dec 2018
In Primary 1, we had a special visitor this morning. We showed Santa all the naughty...
20th Dec 2018
This morning in P.1, all of the children had great fun playing party games in the...
20th Dec 2018
We all enjoyed the Christmas dinner yesterday in P.1. It was yummy!
19th Dec 2018
In Primary 1, we have been very busy over the last few weeks doing lots of Christmas...
18th Dec 2018
We had a great morning listening and singing along to the orchestra. Some of the...
18th Dec 2018
We had a fantastic day at Speedwell. We met our new friends from Windmill P.S. Everyone...
7th Dec 2018
Pixie the elf arrived in P.1. on Monday morning. He has been watching all of the...