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Bush Primary School & Nursery Unit, Dungannon

News - Primary 1

2019/2020 School Year

2nd Sep 2019
A warm welcome to our new Primary 1 children.

2018/2019 School Year

27th Jun 2019
Some children played football and some played games. We had a super time.
14th Jun 2019
The children in P.1. sorted the bears into three sets - one set of small...
10th Jun 2019
All of the children in Primary 1 and Primary 2 had a great morning participating...
30th May 2019
Primary 1 and Primary 2 had a talk this morning from two of the lifeguards at R.N.L.I....
23rd May 2019
All of the children in P.1. had a great morning visiting Windmill IPS. When we arrived...
21st May 2019
P.1. had a great morning watching Mr Hullabaloo's adventure theatre. Yasmin was...
10th May 2019
Yesterday, our friends from Windmill IPS came to visit us in P.1. We greeted and...
10th May 2019
In P.1. we have been very busy working hard in the garden.